William D.G. Murray, aka “the original” Bill Murray, true to his type, has had a variety of successful careers: marketing & advertising executive, corporate President and Director, Air Force officer, magazine editor, college instructor in English and physics, entrepreneur, consultant and seminar leader on psychological Type and Temperament, poet and author.
After a number of years in national brand advertising and marketing for Fortune 500 companies and ad agencies, and starting a successful manufacturing firm, his life changed.
Bill, a Presbyterian Elder, went to a church conference, and “I learned more about myself in one morning than in all the years I’d lived.” He discovered something new called Psychological Type. His mission became “to spread the word about Psychological Type, to change people’s lives for the better.”
There were no books on Type as we now know it. So Bill started writing them (and also training materials and seminar kits). Murray dug up articles, dissertations, and other papers on the subject, attended seminars, met the leaders in the field, and was a founding member of the Association for Psychological Type (APT) when it was formed, in Philadelphia (1979).
He has served on the Board and as an officer of the Northeast Region of APT, co-founder and President of the Delaware Valley chapter as well as contributing to national publications in the field and speaking at Regional, National, and International conferences.
His publishing and training firm, Type & Temperament, Inc/ Type & Archetype Press, now in Charleston, SC, specializes in applications of Psychological Type, Temperament, and Archetypes to organizations, schools, and individual personal growth. When not writing or running the business, Mr. Murray does speaking, training, and coaching.